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Book Coaching Includes


My garden

  • Conversations with empathetic and analytic listening


  • Feedback tailored just for you


  • Accountability


  • Time Management


  • Emotional support


  • Creative support


  • Email, text and phone support


  • Verbal and written feedback

Taking Notes

Want to

Take your idea to first draft and beyond. 


Optimize your time, environment, and energy so you can write without putting the rest of your life on hold.


Discover your big why, ideal reader, best structure and organizational strategies.

Poetry Reading

Need to

Stay inspired and learn ways to remain in your creative zone. 


Avoid getting stuck, stalled or derailed.


Make sure your work resonates with your target audience.


Discover a pathway to publishing?

Business Meeting

Learn How to

Clarify your voice, tone, story or message.


Demonstrate your authority and expertise.


Tackle the elements of a  book proposal.


Take your writing to the next level by providing agents with a polished and knowledgeable proposal.

Blue Washed Wall

What I Do

Compassionately guide nonfiction (wellness, reference, travel, how-to, self-help, memoir, etc.) writers 1:1 through embracing and releasing their creative genius, knowledge, and experience,

thereby changing the world for the better.


Typical coaching structure includes:


  • ​Collaborative goal setting


  • Mon. 9am EST biweekly ( or weekly) deadlines for submission of work


  • Written feedback from me at least 24 hours before any phone call or Zoom meeting


  • 2 Phone calls or Zoom meetings on Th. or Fri. per month, 30-60 minutes each



Full/Partial Manuscript Evaluation

A partial manuscript evaluation is a review of two chapters, what agents, editors see (intro and conclusion or 1st two chapters). It is not book coaching or developmental editing.



2 chapters



coaching call


A full novel manuscript evaluation is a review of your full manuscript, up to 70,000 words. It is not book coaching or developmental editing.



editorial letter and coaching call








Using the Gateless methodology as a frame, I ask questions, provide plans, exercises, and weekly or biweekly deadlines along with actionable feedback and 2 calls or Zoom meetings to contextualize. This frame is especially wll suited for introverts and HSP.


Most authors need 2-3 months

to flesh out a thorough and polished blueprint (figuring out what you are rying to say, who your ideal audience is, what the best structure might be for presenting the material, and understanding the competition and the marketplace), longer for

a book proposal ready for submission to agents, about 6 months.​


  1. Proposal Table of Contents

  2. Overview

  3. Manuscript Specifications

  4. Author Bio and Photo

  5. Audience Analysis

  6. Competitive Titles

  7. Marketing Plan

  8. Annotated Table of Contents

  9. Sample Chapters


Signature Programs

  • book blueprint 

  • book proposal


Custom programs


We can customize your plan, from classic to VIP hands on.










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What specifically do you coach if you don't line edit?

Together we establish your goals and I then support those goals in a variety of ways. Essentially, I coach how to write a compelling story. That includes thinking and writing, about your why or message, about your ideal readers, about the best structure for telling this story, the best path for sharing this story, etc. Proofreading or copyediting are a separate service.


How long does coaching take?

It really depends upon the project and your goals.


What if you don't coach my genre or we aren't a good fit?

I will refer you to good coaches in your genre through my professional associations.


Can I call or email you daily?

To serve all my clients well, I can't be on 24/7. If the agreed upon contact isn't working, we will reconfigure it.


What if I don't like your feedback? Can I get a refund?

In short, no. You are paying for my services or time. I will do my absolute best to be fair, accurate, and reflect the market to you so you will know you are in good hands.


Do you guarantee I will become a published author or my book a bestseller?

We book coaches wish we could see into the crystal ball but it doesn't work that way. I cannot guarantee those results.


Creative Work

Creative Expression:

reduces stress and anxiety


improves ability to focus


increases happiness through release of dopamine


gives a sense of accomplishment and pride


connects us to like-minded individuals


encourages life-long learning


leads to better sleep







White Tree


solves problems


opens minds


broadens perspectives


promotes connection


promotes empathy


leads to innovation





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