What specifically do you coach if you don't line edit?
Together we establish your goals and I then support those goals in a variety of ways. Essentially, I coach how to write a compelling story. That includes thinking and writing, about your why or message, about your ideal readers, about the best structure for telling this story, the best path for sharing this story, etc. Proofreading or copyediting are a separate service.
How long does coaching take?
It really depends upon the project and your goals.
What if you don't coach my genre or we aren't a good fit?
I will refer you to good coaches in your genre through my professional associations.
Can I call or email you daily?
To serve all my clients well, I can't be on 24/7. If the agreed upon contact isn't working, we will reconfigure it.
What if I don't like your feedback? Can I get a refund?
In short, no. You are paying for my services or time. I will do my absolute best to be fair, accurate, and reflect the market to you so you will know you are in good hands.
Do you guarantee I will become a published author or my book a bestseller?
We book coaches wish we could see into the crystal ball but it doesn't work that way. I cannot guarantee those results.