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  • family story

  • memoir

  • personal essay

  • short story

  • text book

  • novel

  • article

Start, and finish, that

Whether just starting out or

already published, I'll provide the

right conditions under which

you can not only write 

but get writing done!

Who is the course for?

You have always wanted to write but haven't


You feel like you don't have the time but you do


You're ready for a new way because the old way wasn't working

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Maybe you've started an outline 


Had a few false starts


Started a draft but you didn't know how to structure it


You don't know what to do so you stop


You ask yourself, what if someone reads it?



These actions, inactions, and thoughts are normal.


The same fears, doubts, and challenges are faced by all writers.


Maybe the only difference between them and you is that they didn't go it alone.


They found help. Community.


Accountability. Feedback.


Writer's Mind and Environment

Think less.

Write more. Work with your brain and surroundings instead of against them

Outlines, Frameworks, Plans

Produce a plan for your work which enables you to take your reader from

A to Z


Learn techniques and tools for titling, editing, revising, and making your prose polished

Publication Path

Be a writer who is read, whether by family, friends, in blogs, on websites, in books, or elsewhere.

What you get

  • Weekly Live Sessions


  • Video lessons


  • Slideshow tutorials


  • Course Workbook


  • Tip Sheets​


  • FB Community


  • Online Support


  • Positive Feedback

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How This Works

As I develop this course, I will ask you for feedback on how to improve it.


In exchange for the course, you agree to write a testimonial for me to use in future promotions or on my website. That's it.

Sneak Peek at What's in the Course

Signature 2 Writers Who Get Writing Done
_ Course 2 Writers Who Get Writing Done!

I’m a paragraph. Double click here or click Edit Text to add some text of your own or to change the font. This is the place for you to tell your site visitors a little bit about you and your services.

Register Today

"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life."

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About Me





I've lived in NY, CT and MA for the past thirty years,

always teaching. It's what I do. I love to help writers craft their work

into authentic pieces noted for clear voice and strong technique. 


I am caring, kind, and pretty funny. My mother and friends say so.


Most recently, I co-founded Yes, And...Creativity Coaching. Yes, And... offers an online workshop series aimed at fostering joy, play, and creativity while generating positive change in the world. 


I just published my book Writing Happily: Restoring Joy to Your Writing Practice and am currently working on a memoir..




The Big Bio

Kristie Schmidt has offered writing coaching, and specifically coaching on college essays and resumes, for nearly three decades. She teaches workshops and works one-on-one with writers of all kinds to help them achieve their goals. Primarily, Ms. Schmidt is known for preserving voice in her editing process and for strengthening craft and technique.


Most recently, Kristie launched Yes, And. . . Creativity Coaching, a collaboration with her Smith College classmate Lisa Kramer, Ph.D. Yes, And . . . offers an online workshop series aimed at fostering personal joy, play, and creativity while creating positive change in the world


Formerly a public high school English teacher, she taught AP English Language and Composition and specializes in the crafting of nonfiction works. She also taught Creative Writing, Introduction to Media, World Literature, Sports Literature, and Detective Fiction for many years. She has delivered multiple presentations on literacy, writing, and course design as professional development to colleagues and conference attendees.


Kristie was a Fulbright Exchange teacher to England (Gosport) from 1996-97, participated in the National Writing Project, and is a graduate of Smith College and Harvard University.


Kristie lives with her cats, Yoda and Lucy, is an accomplished flute player who spent a summer training at Tanglewood, and a gardener. Her interests include American Sign Language and travel, to date 18 countries, most recently to Portugal's the Azores prior to lockdown.

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The Gateless Method

The Gateless methodology helps you write easily in a safe, criticism-free, judgment-free environment. It releases your creative genius in a deceptively simple but powerful way.



Created by Fulbright scholar, novelist, and developmental editor Suzanne Kingsbury, this technique was originally developed to help writers push through creative blocks, but has been adapted beyond writing alone. Gateless is key to achieving the flow state in any discipline.



I’ve used Gateless writing with students for years, and just finished my training as a Certified Gateless Instructor and Facilitator. I cannot wait for you to experience it!

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